Being Brave

What does being brave mean to you?  “ A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is braver for five minutes longer.”-Ralph Waldo Emerson  Stepping into who you really want to be, who you think you need to be takes an insane amount of courage. These steps you need to take to…

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Your Tomorrow

Here’s a thought you may have never considered- the choices you make today will create your circumstance for tomorrow.  Each day we make so many decisions. These decisions could be massive, but they could also be something so small as hitting snooze for an hour in the morning. (Guilty of doing this).  What happens when you…

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We Have The Ability

We are so fortunate! Most of us are able to move our bodies in any direction we want. We are able to do any activities we want. We are able to participate in all of the events. We don’t have to think about our limitations on a daily basis. I bet you can think of…

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10 Reasons Why You Haven’t Started Improving Your Health

You tried before and didn’t see success. Sometimes our initial plans don’t workout the way we planned. So adjust the course of action. Start again. It’s not always easy to make big life improvements, but they are always worth it. Think to yourself, will I always regret the fact I didn’t start again? Will you…

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It’s All About The Details

I’m sure you have all heard before that it just takes small steps to get big results. Well it’s true! How many of you have attempted a diet plan that was totally different than how your normally eat? Or started an intense exercise regimen when you’ve been used to sitting on the couch? Have you…

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My Story

Let me tell you a little about why I’m so passionate about helping others. Yes- I’m a Pharmacist and it’s my job, but that’s not the whole story.  For quite a few years I dealt with anxiety that would come out of no where. To the point where it would feel like I was having…

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